Cottle Elevator: A Paramount Tool for Facial and Plastic Surgeries

Body positivity, size acceptance, and fat activism are now a primary part of the cultural lexicon, yet the data-driven from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), approximately half-million or more cosmetic surgeries were performed from 2017 to 2018. The number of people getting facial surgery has risen slowly over the past few years. This is not a new trend, but increasing day by day due to the emerging demand for acceptance and attraction. Facial and plastic surgeries are a multidisciplinary approach driven by otolaryngology but cover ophthalmology, dermatology, oral maxillary surgery, and plastic surgical procedures. It encompasses both cosmetic and reconstructive components.

How can you love yourself yet pursue a facial treatment to shrink, smooth, or tuck a facet of your appearance?

According to many cosmetic surgeons, it’s easier-financially, physically, and emotionally than you may think.

But achieving the best results without the best surgery instruments is hard to attain. For all this purpose, surgeons rely on incredible instruments that help in completing the best facial and plastic surgical procedures. Cottle Elevator is one of the most demanding and significant instruments widely used in such surgeries. Without this elevator, surgeons can’t sure about the best results. The use of this elevator makes these surgeries easy and satisfy your clients in accomplishing the best body posture and helps them in getting size acceptance.

Cottle Elevator

Don’t stress yourself with your appearance, be confident, and choose the right way to look beautiful. 

You go to someone who spokes you “it’s best for your”, No “it’s best for me” and choose what right for you. Don’t be afraid, plastic or facial surgeons are trained as heart surgeons.

What is Cottle Elevator?

It is an incredible surgical instrument used for facial and plastic surgeries where the septum's elevation is required. It features a freestyle that has one blunt and one sharp tip. The blade tip's curvature allows this instrument to be slipped underneath soft tissue for extending distances developing a tunneling effect. The blade tips have a broad range of different sizes. Thus surgeons can pick different sizes of tips, depends on the surgical need. This incredible cottle style is comprised of two graduated tips.

Find An Excellent Cottle Elevator

Finding the best instrument is hard to search for. But getting the best result is also important for both surgeons and their clients. If you are a cosmetic or plastic surgeon and looking for an ideal elevator that helps you in getting the best results, then read the following features. This information can lead you to find a well-suited Cottle elevator for your surgeries.

  • Blunt blade tip
  • Sharp blade tip
  • Freestyle cottle design 
  • Length of elevator
  • Double-ended structure
  • Lightweight
  • German surgical stainless body

These features make this instrument best and well-suited for a range of facial and plastic surgical procedures. Make sure your elevator has all these specifications. So, you can perform all your cosmetic and other surgeries without any hindrance or doubt. This instrument is not only giving you the best results but enhances the beautification of your clients.

Also Read About : Cryer Elevator

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